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EU Commission slams Poland over Ukraine border protests

BRUSSELS (AFP): The European Commission on Wednesday condemned Poland’s “nearly complete lack of involvement” in trying to end trucker protests that have blocked border crossing points with Ukraine.

Polish transport companies began blockading major checkpoints earlier this month to protest what they say is unfair competition from Ukrainian hauliers.

Negotiations between Kyiv, Warsaw and EU representatives have failed to resolve the dispute.

“I find the situation at the Polish border with Ukraine absolutely unacceptable,” said transport commissioner Adina Valean.

“There is not good faith in finding a solution… It’s a nearly complete lack of involvement of Polish authorities.

“The entire EU, not to mention Ukraine, a country currently at war, cannot be taken hostage by blocking our external borders.”

Valean said the Commission had the right to take measures against those “who are not respecting the rules and not applying the law”.