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Jamie Oliver’s moreish eggplant salad

Monitoring Desk

Silky roasted eggplant dressed with feta, mint, olives, almonds, lemon and honey.


2 eggplants (250g each)

1 bunch of mint (30g)

20g skin-on almonds

1 lemon

1 tablespoon runny honey

extra virgin olive oil

8 mixed-colour olives (stone in)

40g feta cheese

100g bag of mixed salad


1. Preheat the oven to 160C fan-forced (180C conventional). Prick the eggplants and place directly on the bars of the oven. Roast for 50 minutes, or until beautifully soft, tender and juicy.

2. Pick the baby mint leaves and put aside. Pick the rest of the leaves into a pestle and mortar, then add the almonds and roughly crush and pound together. Finely grate in the lemon zest, squeeze in the juice, and muddle in with the honey and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Squash and destone the olives, tear the flesh into the mix, and crumble in the feta. Mix it all together, then season to perfection with black pepper. Divide the salad and baby mint leaves between your plates. Slice the soft eggplants down the middle and place on top, then smother with the incredible, moreish pesto-style dressing. I like to attack the whole thing, chopping, tossing and mixing everything together as I tuck in. Delicious hot or cold.