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National Museum showcases over 900 Ai-Khanoum Artifacts

AI-KHANOUM (Tolo news): Officials at the National Museum of Afghanistan reported that more than 900 Ai-Khanoum artifacts are at the national museum.

According to officials at the National Museum, these artifacts include pottery and building materials.

Mohammad Yahya, deputy of the National Museum, said: “Currently, there are about 945 large Ai-Khanoum artifacts in the museum, some of which are on display, and these include statues and decorative items.”

National Museum officials also announced the upcoming opening of an Ai-Khanoum exhibition in the near future.

Archaeologists and cultural analysts said antique artifacts and historical artifacts are a national identity and they emphasized the preservation of these artifacts in the country.

“Regarding our historical artifacts, I must say that they cannot be recreated; both people and the government must strive to complete and make good use of them,” said Jabar Zargar, a cultural analyst.

“Historical artifacts and sites that have been left from the past show our identity, and these artifacts are the link between our past and future history, and their preservation is the responsibility of governments,” said Abdul Rahman Ehsas, a cultural analyst.

Earlier, the Ministry of Information and Culture said that since the start of mining operations at the Mes Aynak copper mine in Logar Province, more than 10,000 historical artifacts have been discovered.