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Where we are going today: ‘La Petite Maison’ in Riyadh


La Petite Maison’s new business lunch menu features simple yet classic dishes bursting with intricate French Mediterranean flavors.

When Riyadh’s LPM opened it became the organization’s sixth location, indicative of its popularity.

The new lunch menu is available from Sunday to Thursday from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. and has two versions: the small menu, which costs SR180 ($48) per person and includes a starter and one course; and the larger menu, which costs SR230 and includes a dessert as well.

Similar to other set menus, the lunch begins with a salad and then moves on to starters.

The selection of starters on the set menu include tartare d’espadon (swordfish tartare with sesame citrus dressing); carpaccio de boeuf (cured sirloin with pickle dressing); beignets de brocolis (tender stem broccoli tempura); and the rules de legumes grilles (grilled vegetable rolls with buffalo mozzarella).

I highly recommend the tartare d’espadon. The fish is freshly diced into cubes with a light and natural flavor, and the dressing is refreshing and does not overpower the raw fish. The beignets de brocolis is another great option.

Four options on the main course include ravioli aux epinards au pistou (a homemade spinach ravioli with pistou); cote de veau grillee (grilled veal chop); poulet marine aux herbes et epinards sautes (herb-marinated chicken with sauteed spinach); and the cabillaud a la provencale (roasted cod with provencal sauce).

Our two recommended dishes for the main course would be the homemade spinach ravioli and the herb-marinated chicken.

When opting for the set menu, visitors should note that the dessert option is limited to the chocolate bar with coffee and hazelnut. If chocolate is not preferred, visitors can always opt to order from the a la carte menu. I recommend trying the gateau au fromage frais (cheesecake).

The freshness and quality of the ingredients are apparent as each dish on the set menu is produced specifically for the current season.

LPM is usually quite busy in Riyadh so it is best to make a reservation, especially if you are attending with a large party.

What sets it apart from other fine dining restaurants is that it does not have silver service but rather encourages a family dining setting, with guests serving and sharing the food.

If you are looking for a casual business lunch to break the corporate ice, LPM would be ideal.

LPM has locations all over the world, including in London, Dubai, Miami, Abu Dhabi, Doha, and Hong Kong.

Courtesy: arabnews