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YEE London’s art auction to provide relief for quake victims

Web Desk

ISTANBUL: The “Art4Lives,” a humanitarian project organized by the Yunus Emre Institute London, brings together established artists, painters, photographers, creatives and others to demonstrate how art can help save lives and help those affected by Türkiye’s devastating earthquakes.

The magnitude 7.7 and 7.6 earthquakes and their subsequent aftershocks that hit Türkiye and Syria on Feb. 6 struck over 11 cities, but they affected humanity all over the world.

“Bees and Echinacea” by Molly Lemon. (Photo courtesy of YEE London)

For this, the project “Art4Lives (Art for Lives)” organized by Yunus Emre Institute (YEE) London and curated by Nagihan Seymour aims to spark conversations about the incredible power and the importance of art in saving lives by showcasing remarkable pieces. Artists, who have utilized art to raise awareness about social issues for centuries, are now joining forces with some of the most notable examples of their work to help heal the wounds of this painful earthquake, keep awareness alive, and generate a continuous source of financial aid. The project draws attention not only to the urgent need to unite but also to alternative and effective ways of helping those who are in need.

Featuring high-quality works including calligraphy, illumination (tezhip), ceramic, painting, photography, embroidery, jewelry and more, the project will strengthen the sense of solidarity across the world by bringing together artists, art lovers, and those who want to show and extend their support for earthquake survivors by purchasing selected artworks featured by Art4Lives. Those who would like to view the artworks that will be auctioned can visit the project’s website.

“Heading” by Esra Kizir Gökçen. (Photo courtesy of YEE London)

In order to raise funds and create a sustainable source of aid for earthquake victims, Art4Lives is collaborating with 36 accomplished artists who have donated some of their most distinguished artworks for the launching auction including Devrim Erbil, Izzet Keribar, Nagihan Seymour and Yusuf Islam. For the launching stage, over 50 distinguished works will be put up for auction.

More artists will join the project with their noted artworks as the project aims to hold more than one auction on a regular basis. All proceeds will be donated to the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), which works to prevent disasters and minimize disaster-related damages, as well as plan and coordinate post-disaster responses.

“St. Giragos Armenian Church” by Izzet Keribar. (Photo courtesy of YEE London)

With the contributions of established artists and the support it has received from all over the world, the Art4Lives project underlines the importance given to human life by the art community and the power of art in saving lives even at its foundation stage.

Courtesy: Dailysabah