
5 Ways To Reduce Food Waste

Monitoring Desk

Food waste is a significant problem all across the world that is severely damaging the earth. It is plausible to state that almost everyone out there has contributed to the immense amount of food waste being exposed. Recent statistics have shown that 1.3 billion tons of waste is produced only from food every year all around of world, and the consequences are disastrous.

Poor environmental conditions stem from such causes resulting in high amounts of methane gas being emitted in the air, increase in landfills that tend to rot, rising pollution on the local environment and health conditions such as asthma, lung damage, bronchitis etc. being visible in adults and children as young as two years old. 

If the waste produced from food cannot be emitted fully due to the rising world populations, we feel there are a number of steps you can take to reduce the waste produced from your own home:  

One of the best ways to reduce food waste is by planning your meals ahead of time. This means trying to prepare all the meals for the week, which includes planning all the meals that you will cook in the upcoming week. By noting all the ingredients needed to cook the meals beforehand, you will be able to track down the exact quantities needed so far less food is wasted. Hence, next time you go for a grocery run, remember to plan all your meals for the week so you can save yourself from polluting the environment. 

If you’re not sure how to meal prep, here is the simple guide to help you with just that!

70% of food waste comes from thrown out leftovers. People around the world are guilty of throwing their leftovers in the garbage after they remain sitting in the fridge for the longest time. Instead of keeping your leftovers in the refrigerator without eating them, store them in the freezer so they can come in handy later for stocks or stews. Try to label each item so you can keep track of what is needed when. This way you can save a lot of money and time, and it will also cause low food wastage. 

Shopping smartly is an essential step to reduce food waste. Try not to overbuy items that will not come in your use. You can do this by taking pictures of your cupboards and fridge before your next grocery shopping trip so you can keep track of what you already have and what you need to buy.

We urge you to use the best-before or expiration dates on perishable goods while going grocery shopping, so you don’t end up buying something with a close date and wasting it at the end. Checking these dates will help to reduce wastage and decrease the amount of eatables that go in the bin. 

This is the most constructive way of reducing food waste. Composting is exceptionally beneficial and helpful for our environment. It reduces the amount of food you waste and is also reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides. It is known for producing micro-organisms that will break pollutants into less toxic and harsh chemicals.  

Try to incorporate these five steps in your everyday life to reduce food waste to its maximum. You never know how the smallest gestures may contribute to climate change and a clean, healthy environment.