Ben Geman
WASHINGTON DC: CEO Climate Dialogue, a two-year-old group that inc-ludes execs from giant en-ergy and industrial companies, has brought on lobbying powerhouse Forbes-Tate.
The newly public filing highlights the increased K Street activity around pricing since President Biden’s win opened the door for new climate legislation.
The group’s members include Shell, BP, Ford, Dow, BASF, PG&E, Dominion Energy, Unilever and other big companies, as well as several environmental groups.
What they’re saying: Forbes-Tate, in response to a query about working with the CEO Climate Dialogue, said the relationship began early this year and that the group sees 2021 as a “pivotal year for climate action.”
“The CEO Climate Dialogue is uniquely positioned to advocate for an economy wide market-based carbon price and policies in line with their Guiding Principles that are needed to achieve net-zero emissions across the economy by 2050,” it said.
But, but, but: Advocates of carbon taxes or permit trading systems face a steep uphill climb — pricing has lost cachet as a policy tool among Democrats while there’s very widespread GOP opposition.
The White House climate proposal last week does not include pricing among its policy goals.